Sunday, 3 April 2011

June's Baby Hoodie

June’s Hooded Baby Jacket
Sizes: directions for 6 months, changes for sizes 1 and 2 are in parenthesis.
Body Chest Size: 19” (20” – 21”)
Finished Chest Size (closed): 26 ½ ” (27 ½ ” -28 ½ ”)

Materials: Sayelle 2 4oz skeins. 14”knitting needles No. 6 and 9 (English size 7 and 4, US7 & 10)4.5mm 6mm, crochet hook size G. five stitch holders. Three buttons. Large eyed needle for finishing.

Gauge: 4 sts = 1” ; 8 rows = 1”

Pattern: (multiple of 2 sts): Note: to k1 in row below next st, insert needle from front to back through hole below next st on needle, yarn around needle, draw through st; slip st above off left hand needle. St will open up and lie across working strand.

            Row 1: *P1, k1 in row below next st (see note above), repeat from * across, end p2. repeat this row for pattern.

            Body: beg at lower edge of fronts and back, with no.9 needles, cast on 102 (106-110) sts. Work in ribbing of p1, k1 for 1 row. Work in pat. For 6” (6 ½ -7”)

Divide work: Next row (mark this row as right side of work.) Work first 24 (25 -26) sts. Put these sts on a holder for right front. Bind off next 3 sts for right underarm. Work next 48 (50 -52) sts, put these sts on a holder for back, bind of 3 sts for left underarm, work last 24 (25 - 26) sts for left front.
Left front: Shape Armhole: keeping to pat, dec 1 st at arm side every other row 3 times. End wrong side – 21 (22 - 23) sts. Put these sts on a holder.
Back: Shape armholes: Sl sts from holder to no.9 needles. From wrong side, join yarn at left back underarm. Keeping to pat, dec 1 st each side every other row 3 times, end wrong side – 42 (44 – 46) sts. Put these sts on a holder.
Right front: Shape armholes: Sl sts from holder to no.9 needles. From wrong side, join yarn at right front underarm. Work as for left front.
Sleeves (make 2): Beg at lower edge, with no.6 needles, cast on 32 (34 -36) sts. Work in ribbing of p1, k1 for 2”. Change to no.9 needles. Work in pat until piece measures 6” (6 ½” - 7”) from start.
Shape armholes: Keeping to pat, dec 1 st each side every other row 4 times. End wrong side – 24 (26 -28) sts. Put these sts on a holder.
Yoke: from wrong side, sl sts on no.9 needles as follows: left front, one sleeve, back, 2nd sleeve, right front – 132 (140 – 148) sts.
Rows 1 and 2: Knit
Row 3: (right side) K 2 (1-0), (k2tog, k3) 25 (27 – 29) times, end k2tog, k3 (2 - 1) – 106 (112 – 118) sts
Row 4: Purl
Rows 5-7: Knit
Rows 8-12: Work in pat for 5 rows.
Row 13: (right side) K 2 (1 - 0), (k2tog, k2) 25 (27 - 29) times, end k2tog, k2 (1 – 0) – 80 (84 – 88)sts.
Rows 14 and 15: Knit
Row 16: Purl
Rows 17 – 19: knit
Rows 20 – 24: Work in pat for 5 rows.
Row 25: (right side) K2 (1 - 0), (K2tog, k1) 25 (27 -28) times, end k2tog, k1 (0-k2tog) – 54 (56 – 58) sts.
Rows 26 – 31: Repeat rows 14 – 19. Bind off.

Buttonhole note: Buttonholes are made on left center border for boy’s jacket; on right center border for girl’s jacket. With pins mark position of 3 button holes on center border: first one at start of yoke, last one ½ “ before neck edge.
Buttonholes: *K to within 1 st of marker, bind off next 2 sts, repeat from* twice, finish row. Next row: cast on 2sts over bound off sts.
Center Borders: From right side with no.6 needles, pick up and k55 (57 - 59) sts on left front edge for girl’s jacket; on right for boy’s jacket. Work in garter st (k each row) for 8 rows. Bind off in k.
Work same border on other front edge, forming buttonholes (see buttonholes) on 4th and 5th rows.

Hood: Beg at front edge with no.9 needles, cast on 60 (62 - 64) sts. Work in p1, k1 ribbing for 1 row, then work as follows:
Rows 1-5: work in pat.
Rows 6-8: knit
Row 9: purl
Rows 10-12: Knit. Repeat rows 1-12 once, then work in pat til piece measure 7” (7 ½ “ – 8”) from start. Bind off.

Finishing: Fold hood in half, bound off edge meeting; weave back seam. Turn 1” at front edge of hood to right side for brim; sew in place. Sew sleeve and underarm seams. Sew hood to neck edge. With double strand of yarn, make chain 20” long. Weave chain around neck edge of hood. Trim ends of chain with pompons, if desired. Sew on buttons.

Jayne's Hat

Ok, So this is the first time I've written a pattern for others to use. please bear with me if it has a few bugs or errors, just let me know and I'll fix them up.

Keep in mind, Ma Cobb probably didn't work from a pattern so oddities and errors dont need to be overly fussed.

needles size 10US/6.0mm

Cast on 66 sts in Orange.
Row 1 (right side): K2, [p2, k2] to end of row.
Row 2: P2, [k2, p2] to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows of [k2, p2] ribbing once more.
Row 5:(rs) Knit to end.
Row 6: purl
Continue in st st til work measures 2.5ins from beginning.

Switch to Yellow. Continue with st st until entire piece measures 5.5 inches
End with right side facing for next row.

Shape crown:

Row 1: K1, [k6, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
58 sts now on needle.
Row 2 and alt rows: Purl.
Row 3: K1, [k5, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
50 sts now on needle.
Row 5: K1, [k4, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
42 sts now on needle.
Row 7: K1, [k3, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
34 sts now on needle.
Row 9: K1, [k2, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
26 sts now on needle.
Row 11: K1, [k1, k2tog] 8 times, k1.
18 sts now on needle.
Row 12: Purl, break yarn.
Thread end through rem sts, draw up tightly and fasten off securely.

To finish:
Sew center-back seam.

Make pom-pom:  With 1 strand each of MC, A and B together, wind 20 times around 3 fingers of one hand; thread 30 cm/12-ins length of MC through loop at middle finger, then tie tightly, leaving long ends untrimmed. Cut loops at
each side, then trim to smooth, round pom-pom. Thread long ends through to wrong side of toque crown and tie.

Ear flaps:
working from top to bottom, Estimate placement, pick up and knit 12 stitches along the edge of ribbing.
continue in st st until flap measures 4 inches, end on purl row.
cast off two stitches on beg and end of next row. 8 sts remain.
cast off two st on each end of row. 6 st remain.
purl. bind off and leave thread loose.

repeat on opposite side of cap's ribbing.
block flaps to stop from curling into itself.

Colour work

Here's a knitting pattern I came up with the other day(a while ago). Its a crazy 7 colour fair isle pattern for a skull. better picture coming soon.

I done expect anyone to ever really do anything with this, but its fun and crazy too ;)

mid-year resolution

After putting away a few of the cluttery wedding items in the basemen, I've decided to start something new. It's
this new anti-clutter thing. every day, I will throw out or get rid of, ten things. They dont have to be big things, just things, stuff. You know how they always say 'if you haven't used it in a year.... will you?' well its true, you probably wont. And this is an easy way to get rid of small things, clean out drawers, clean off your desk, anything like that. and ten isn't a very daunting number either, so its working out pretty well for me. You probably couldn't tell just from looking at my room at this point (and this is the only place I've applied it so far) but I know its less cluttered. theres less in junk drawers (which should never have been invented in the first place!) things are starting to look a little more straightened. Wish me luck ;)

Ah, the joys of live journal

I just went over to live journal to transfer a couple old patterns over here from there It's got to have been at least three years since I logged in (though probably not) I exceeded my amount of guesses to get in. I'll try again and have a couple patterns here soon. In the mean time, the next new post should be a completely new pattern, (unless I get into LJ by then) submitted for the approval of the Midnight society... err, or maybe just Ravelry.

Friday, 18 February 2011

New blog

It's about time I leave livejournal, since I haven't been back there in years as it is. I will transfer my patterns here from there shortly and at least one new one will be here soon too.